Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ will revolutionize the consumer credit reporting industry!

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Elevate your dispute process With our quantum matrix dispute technology™

tired of ineffective disputes?

the vision

from the beginning

Consumer Information Accountability Advocates (CIAA), was founded by 2 credit repair business owners that seen the huge need for software that could audit credit bureau direct credit reports and automate the extensive Pre-Litigation dispute process. Until now, credit repair software could only audit credit monitoring reports such as Smart Credit. Also, regardless of how a dispute was crafted (even Pre-Litigaiton disputes) were largely disregarded by the bureaus and furnishers. It was their vision to create a dispute based on every factual error on bureau direct credit reports, and link CSO’s with attorneys to arbitrate or litigate if the disputed account(s) were not properly modified or deleted. This is how Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ was born.

Meet the CSO Department Leader

Technology that will revolutionize the credit services industry

Our CSO Department Leader & Co-Founder of CIAA is the CEO & Founder of a thriving CSO in North Carolina. Although a relative newcomer to the credit services industry, he has acquired experience and skills beyond his years, bringing this applied knowledge to train CSOs in the Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ that he helped create. He is responsible for recruiting, training, and supporting qualified CSO’s. He works closely with our Consumer Legal Department to ensure every CSO has at least 1 attorney available to litigate or arbitrate all consumer disputes. He also works closely with our Technology Development Department to ensure our system is running with peak performance at all times, and ensure our software keeps up with the ever-changing credit reporting industry, and the latest law changes.  He also develops websites in his spare time for fun.

Onboard Your Clients, let us do the work for you

offer your clients an attorney direct credit repair program

Although we have designed Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ and all of our tools to make your life easier, streamline and scale your business, along with getting your Credit Repair Company even more profitable, we have another program that will not only make your job as a CSO even easier, but could make your company even more profitable! Simply continue onboarding clients. Then send us your client’s file whose credit report qualifies. We will connect your client with our attorney network. CIAA will handle the dispute process for the attorney. You continue to collect deletion & service fees from the client! Even better, you get paid for each client you bring into the system! We will train you and do the work for you! Bringing in clients, letting us do the work, getting paid by the client, and getting paid for each client you bring in? What’s not to like about that? Click the button below and join our ever-growing team of CSO’s who have grown their business exponentially since joining CIAA and using Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™.

Making credit repair relevant again

grow and scale your credit repair business with effective solutions for your clients

As you know, Metro2 is the credit industry’s standard for reporting consumer credit data. If you have ever seen the Metro2 manual, you know there are a plethora of data fields and complex rules on how each field is reported. Metro2 was designed by the credit industry to meet and exceed the FCRA mandate for “maximum possible accuracy”. As you know, they never meet their own standard let alone the FCRA. Properly auditing credit reports using Metro2 rules can take several hours per trade account making this method impractical for business until now. Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ takes all the guesswork out of credit  report analysis. Designed to parse out each field, our software will automatically use the rules of Metro2 to audit each trade account instantly, saving you time and energy. With this level of audit there is no need for multiple rounds of dispute, or the use of spinners. You literally spend minutes on each client giving you time to fit in more and more clients allowing you to scale your business. Also, no need for long and drawn out contracts.

Effective disputes. results for your clients. Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™

Finally a software that is capable to not only use bureau direct credit reports, but also fully audits the data for every error, omission or inconsistency amongst the bureaus. Then our groundbreaking Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ will generate an effective dispute listing EVERY discrepancy in the same letter. This eliminates the need for multiple rounds of disputing. Our system will generate disputes for each bureau and furnisher. First round to the credit bureaus, second round to the credit bureaus and data furnishers. Each dispute builds your client’s case for litigation should the bureaus and furnishers fail to properly modify the tradeline to “maximum possible accuracy” or delete the tradeline. Two rounds of disputing, get in and get out. This gets results for your clients faster! No need for long contracts.

Holding the credit reporting industry accountable

Potential for multiple streams of income


Bridging the gap between credit repair and consumer attorneys

with our nationwide network of consumer protection attorneys

the key to success

Tired of unanswered or ineffective disputes?

No worries! If our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ does not get a response or a deletion, the dispute software is building your client’s case for arbitration or litigation. Either way you come out on top! Once we have been around awhile, and the court system is flooded with tens of thousands of cases, the bureaus will begin to fall in line and credit repair will begin to see deletions again, even on the toughest of tradelines like old settled for less than full balance charged off accounts.

Manage your entire business with our software

from onboarding to settlement

industry leading training and support

Although we have designed our software and CRM to be as simple as possible, even for the newest Credit Service Organizations, we have our support team available for you whenever the need arises. We also have full training available for you to access at any time. Everything from credit basics, Metro2, FDCPA, credit repair laws and regulations, and credit repair basics. Of course, we also have full training on our software and CRM to make your experience the absolute best it can be.

Working With Qualified CSO's

Not Another Business-In-A-Box Software

Although you can fully manage your business with all of our software and tools, we know that CSO’s have many tools available to them that they have used and trusted for years. You can choose to use our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ Software only or take advantage of all the tools we have available. Also, we only work with qualified and established business owners only. Unlike other “Business-In-A-Box software that is marketed to consumers to fix their own credit, or to those aspiring to own a credit repair business, we want to ensure our reputation as a viable and compliant industry is upheld and maintained. Other such companies have been under heavy scrutiny by the CFPB and other regulatory agencies as predatory marketing practices, and aiding business new business owners in non-compliance with current CSO laws and regulations. We have an application and vetting process to ensure we are working with experienced and compliant CSO’s to ensure that not only our groundbreaking technology is available for years to come, but to also assist to improve the reputation of an industry that receives unfair and unjust scrutiny. To apply to become a CIAA partnered CSO, click the button below.

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