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fixing a broken Credit Reporting system

consumer advocacy

Bringing accountability back to the credit industry

The consumer credit industry is broken. There are a lot of things we need to work on to improve this area. CIAA has developed close relationships with those who will go to Washington to lobby congress for important law changes. They will also go to key regulatory agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and state attorney generals. It seems that in the name of “protecting consumers” they have enforced dated and no longer relevant regulations where federal law already exists to protect consumers that further hinders consumer’s access to services that can actually help and protect them. Instead of enforcing laws and regulations already in place to ensure fairness and accuracy on credit reports, these agencies only publish statistical data or publish letters only giving a slap on the wrist with the things that are actually harming consumers. There is little incentive for the credit reporting industry to change as penalties for infractions have not been adjusted for inflation since laws were enacted in the 1970’s! We at CIAA are seeking to change that. Together, with your voice, and our program, we can restore integrity and help to repair this broken system. 

Influencing Public Policy to help consumers

boots on the ground where it matters

There is a lot of work ahead of us when it comes to reforming the consumer credit reporting industry. CIAA has boots on the ground directly in Washington, DC to help with the many challenges ahead of us. Consumers, the Credit Repair Industry, and Consumer Law now have a voice to represent us. Legislators will learn the many reforms needed to make the credit reporting industry accountable for reporting accurate information, create stiffer penalties for the credit bureaus and data furnishers who violate the law, and the credit repair industry will have a voice representing them to ease burdensome laws and regulations that hinder CSO’s ability to help consumers. 

Upcoming projects

Some immediate changes need to be made in order to restore the credit industry to actually protect consumers rather than the big banks. Some items such as updating the FCRA adjusting penalties for inflation, striking or updating the credit repair portion of the FTC’s Telemarketing Sales Rule to conform with Congress’ original intent of the regulation and bring it more with the spirit of federal law that now exists, and many other projects. See our toggle ist below of projects we will be undertaking.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act was enacted in 1970.  Back then statutory damages were $100-$1,000 per violation. In 2023 the statutory damages are $100-$1,000. The average price for a gallon of gas in 1970 was $0.36/gal in 2023 the average price for a gallon of gas is over $3.00/gal. If that doesn’t make our point, nothing will. The damages have not been updated to inflation making it not worth an attorney’s time, and even if it was, it doesn’t hurt the bureaus or furnishers at all, making the world of credit the wild west. If penalties for violations were at least adjusted for inflation, those who furnish information to the credit bureaus, and the credit bureaus would become more cautious in reporting consumer information fairly and accurately as it would become very costly for them.

Congress had the original intent with the telemarketing sales rule was to stop unsolicited sales calls past a certain time, and prohibits deceptive sales practices. However, for credit repair companies, if a client calls to schedule an appointment, the TSR applies to them. It forces the credit repair company to wait 6 months before collecting payment. Consumers who call and can’t get their questions answered will go to the next guy who will answer their questions, and take their money to the bank. Allowing reputable companies to do business like any other company will help. Besides, this portion of the TSR was put into place BEFORE the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA), now that CROA exists there is no need for this regulation anymore.

We know getting rid of regulations without expecting new regulations is a pipe dream. However, common sense regulation such as passing a proficiency exam, licensing, and continuing education would be the step in the right direction. Let’s face it, scammers and corruption exists in EVERY industry, however, common sense regulation would do more to protect consumers from fly-by-night companies from popping up, taking consumer money without a changed credit report to show for it.

FICO has updated their scoring models several times over the years. Yet the mortgage industry is still using the antiquated scoring system for mortgage qualification. Other credit scoring companies exist as well, yet those scoring models are not used at all for mortgage qualification. Why? Because of government regulation. This is hampering many Americans from qualifying for home ownership. The old scoring models put more weight in items such as medical collections. Typically, a consumer can expect their mortgage credit score to be 50-100 points lower than their more modern FICO or Vantage credit scores. More Americans would be homeowners today if mortgage lenders had the freedom to use modern credit scores.

Georgia is the ONLY state that prohibits credit repair. Consumers in Georgia are hurting and turn to any who are willing to break the law.  This makes the scam rate astronomically high in Georgia. We believe consumers should have access to these vital services.

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