Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ will revolutionize the consumer credit reporting industry!

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Case-Ready referrals for

consumer attorneys

Our software digs deeper into credit reports

entire credit reports audited and disputed in minutes

To fully audit a single account on a credit report using Metro2 standards can take hours. Our software can do the same task on an entire credit report in minutes! Using only credit bureau direct credit reports, unlike many popular credit repair softwares that use credit monitoring reports. As you know, disputes and lawsuits should never be done with anything but credit reports directly from the credit bureaus. With our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™, not only will the credit report be audited, but a proper dispute letter will also be generated and can be automatically sent certified mail to the credit bureaus. The dispute letters have been attorney approved so you can rest assured the verbiage of the letter will help you achieve maximum results. All of this in a matter of minutes, not hours or in a lot of cases days. This will allow you to put your staff or virtual assistants on other tasks and increase your client intake and take more cases! 

by diving deeper into credit reports you can...

More case volume = More opportunity, more whales

take more cases with statutory damages

find every error on credit reports

Metro2 was designed to meet or exceed the “Maximum Possible Accuracy” mandate of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. However, the credit bureaus and data furnishers are notorious for not following their own rules, let alone the FCRA. Our software can find every error, omission, and inconsistency amongst the 3 credit bureaus. Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ can generate an attorney approved dispute letter listing every error, omission, and inconsistency and send certified mail to all 3 credit bureaus, if a proper reinvestigation is performed, the account should come back 100% accurate according to Metro2 standards, if not, a second round can be sent to the bureaus and furnishers, if the account is still not accurate, the case can be made that the credit report does not meet the FCRA’s maximum possible accuracy mandate, and a “reasonable reinvestigation” was not conducted.. Even if the client does not have a great deal of Actual Damages, such as a mortgage application denial, there can still be a ton of statutory damages to sue on. We estimate the average consumer file could be worth $10,000 to $50,000 per case with the number of errors you will find in addition to other damages such as pain and suffering.

scale your consumer law business with consumer Information Accountability advocates (cIAA)

Being in our consumer attorney network has it’s perks. We maintain a large database of consumers with case-ready files using our software. Credit Service Organizations all across the nation have partnered with us to use our bureau direct credit report audit software, and Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™. We want attorneys in the same state the consumer lives to litigate or arbitrate their cases. Referrals will come from our lead attorney, so there is no conflict of interest. When our law firm opens, we will serve as co-council. In the meantime, we only charge document processing fees which can be reimbursed by your attorney fees. Not only will you work on your own internal client base, we will send you more clients allowing you to scale your law firm even further.

Our Mission

setting precedents

With this level of audit, there are uncharted waters yet to be explored. We anticipate many legal precedents to be set. This will open the floodgates of suable items on credit reports. Never have the credit bureaus and data furnishers been held accountable at this level. Once more precedents are set the numbers of lawsuits will increase exponentially! Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ leaves no stone unturned. This creates many opportunities to correct an industry that has largely gotten away with murder. This is a win-win for our nation, economy, and to consumers!

The Big 3's botched reinvestigations & ignored disputes

The Big 3 are notorious for ignoring consumer disputes or botching reinvestigations. We aim to change this! We at CIAA believe consumers are entitled to a fair and accurate credit report, regardless of credit score or financial standing. Our software audits are for consumers with any credit score, as you know, the data on a consumer report is how credit scores are generated. Even a few points can cost a consumer the ability to obtain credit, secure adequate housing and transportation, employment, or thousands in interest. CIAA aims to change this disturbing practice by holding the credit reporting industry to an unprecedented level of accountability. Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ gives them the full path to accuracy and every opportunity to correct or delete the inaccuracies. If they fail to get the items in question corrected or deleted, then you have full grounds to sue, with solid disputes to stand upon.


One step ahead

As the bureaus change report formatting, our developers will stay with the curve ensuring the software is always available and ready to go.


Disputes that build your case

No guesswork with our fully automated audit and dispute process. Our Quantum Matrix Dispute Technology™ is attorney approved. We have you covered from onboarding to the courtroom!


achieving your goals

If you have been wanting to scale your consumer law practice, you have come to the right place. You will recieve cases from us, ready to litigate or arbitrate.

we got you covered from onboarding to the courtroom

Working together, we can bring an unprecedented level of accountability to the consumer credit reporting industry and restore a broken system that favors the big banks and big 3 credit bureaus. Consumers are entitled to their credit history reputation reported fairly and accurately. Help us help consomers nationwide!

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